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アクセス回数:29回 リリース日:2020年9月16日
WILL 〜English ver.〜
作詞 Miho Karasawa/英訳:Lynne Hobday 
作曲 Evan Call
Flowers bloom before they fall to earth
And return once more to be reborn
Breathing new life into springtime' s budding leaves
The seasons come and go

Promises cannot be broken
Those days are evergreen

Let us go home, we are going home
We' re leaving nothing behind along the way
Ah, happiness and sadness, too
I' m cherishing each memory
Oh, step by step, the journey lies ahead
I walk it with you

Showers end as storm clouds roll away
On their path into another day
Every mistake that' s made, it will remain
In many different ways

Promises cannot be broken
These days are evergreen

So, I carry on, we must go on
No turning back to those words of yesterday
Tomorrow' s sky above us now
It' s time to take a vow to make it through somehow

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